CellCloseEvent<T> should provide dataItem: T
Currently the CellCloseEvent dataItem is typed as any. This could be the default, but adding a generic type here would allow strong typing in the event handler.
There appears to be a allowedExtensions (Whitelist) but not a disallowedExtensions(Blacklist) link to docs
public uploadRestrictions: FileRestrictions = {
allowedExtensions: ['.jpg', '.png'],
is it possible to add aria-label to kendo-multiselect? ( and it should be multiselect responsibility to propagate it to internal input )
Hi Team,
Allow the ability to change the styling on the inner input of the component. This will allow developers easy access to change the placeholder styling based on condition or overall input element. Currently, a custom implementation like the following can be used:
or with a directive:
A useful addition to the Tooltip component would be the ability to open it on a specific position defined by X/Y pixel coordinates.
This will allow displaying the tooltip at a concrete pixel as an addition to anchor elements.
In its current state, TooltipSettings is missing options like collision, offset, and others that are included in the TooltipDirective:
The additional options would be nice to have in the TooltipSettings to allow developers additional control on a global level similar to the TooltipDirective.
Currently the Grid Filter menu logic is "and" and there is no built-in option for changing it even when using the configurable filter menu components in the Filter menu template.
It would be nice having an option to configure the default logic as well as to limit the list of options to only "And"/"Or" or prevent the end user from changing the programmatically set filtering logic.
As a workaround for setting the initial logic, the developer can use the logicChange method, e.g.:
Currently, the Selection feature behaves strangely with the Keyboard Support enabled, see [demo](https://plnkr.co/edit/hTOg7Flx5Fnm63jJ6CgX?p=preview):
* Enter, Ctrl+Enter and Shift+Enter select the rows, but do not function if the cell has focusable components
* Space works only on the checkbox column
* Ctrl+Space, Shift+Space do not work at all
Ideally, the Grid should support the following shortcuts when the Selection and KB Navigation are enabled:
* Select the current row on Space, regardless of the cell content
* Support Ctrl and Shift modifiers for Space
* Shift + Up/Down Arrow for adding/removing the next/last row to the selection.
Similar to the TreeList KB navigation:
Overcoming the last listed limitation would be nice:
The Spreadsheet (Google Docs, etc.) addresses this situation by duplicating the cell content on both sides and clipping the right cell accordingly.
Please make it possible to define the children of the kendo-toolbar-dropdownbutton in html.
It makes the using of the kendo-toolbar-dropdownbutton much easier.
Translation (i18n), Observables (asyn), additional directives are supported in markup but must be added with additional effort in code.
<kendo-toolbar-dropdownbutton [text]="'Paste Variations'">
<kendo-toolbar-button [text]="'Paste'" i18n-text (click)="onClick($event)" [disabled]="canPast$|async === false"></kendo-toobar-button>
Currently when I click the horizontal scrollbar button which is present at the left side or right side of the scroll bar then the columns are scrolled as a regular table.
It will be nice to move from one column to another column instead.
Please provide Page Setup options for the Excel Export similar to the options provided by the WorksheetPageSetup Properties.
Feedback: Font size dropdown can be provided for PT (Point) option as well as to follow like the Microsoft Word font size.
I recently received an email from one of our users stating that the scroll buttons on the tabstrip have stopped working. I have just upgraded to Angular 17 and latest of progress controls so not sure if that is what did it but these buttons have been working since implementation. I am puzzled as to what is now missing and or caused the buttons to stop working. They do display correctly when the screen size changes and not all tabs are on the screen. However, when you click either forward or back, nothing happens.
I anticipate that I will be asked to create a reproduction of this and send it to kendo, but was hoping that someone could take a look at our application to see if something is missing or if it can be determined what is causing the issue? This is a huge application and depends on data to run so it would take quite some time to get it down to something I can send as a repro. See page https://test.tropicos.org/name/25509881.
What makes it worse is that we also have another application that was spawned from the shell the Tropicos app and for the most part uses the same packages. This application also gets updated at the same time as Tropicos as well. This application however is not seeing the same problems with tab strip buttons. See https://test.livingcollections.org/taxon/277173.
If I must spend the time to strip the application down to a page that causes the issue, I can. But, again, this would take quite a bit of time and we are a small development shop so hoping looking at the apps I posted will help to find the issue.
In MultiColumnComboBox .k-table-header-wrap sets extra border-right-width, in result cells and column vertical separator is not consistent.
Can be reproduced in telerik demo page Angular Dropdowns MultiColumnComboBox Data Binding - Kendo UI for Angular (telerik.com)