Currently, the 'More Events' button is not accessible through keyboard navigation, and it would be helpful if it could be made accessible.
Hi, Team!
Currently, when there are two or more nested <strong> elements in a component or on the page, and the built-in PDF Export functionality is being used, the nested elements are not correctly styled in the exported document - the bold styling is applied only to the outermost element while the others are displayed with regular font-weight.
Currently, when the min and max options of the TimePicker are defined, the user is still able to enter a value that is outside the specified range, which triggers an error and the control enters an invalid state.
Provide an option that would entirely restrict the user from entering values outside the specified range and would automatically correct the value to the corresponding min or max value.
One way to achieve such functionality is to handle the blur event of the TimePicker and correct the value if necessary:
Currently, the supported approach for setting values for the input properties of the Kendo UI for Angular components is by binding them to a DOM property.
Please provide support for the ability to set values for the input properties programmatically.
Hi Team,
Currently, the month of January is not displayed in the navigation section of the DatePicker component and is instead represented by the respective year:
I would like to request functionality that allows me to display January separately and not beneath the year.
Provide an option that would allow developers to set the values of aria attributes like aria-valuenow, aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax to the separator elements.
Currently, "Is equal to" is the default operator for each added filter expression in the Filter component and there is no built-in option to modify it to a different one.
The only way to achieve this at present is to modify the operator field of each filter expression in the valueChange event of the component:
Please provide such an option for the Filter component similar to the one available in the Grid's filter row and menu components:
It will be a nice feature to have the ability to customize the drag hint of the built-in row reordering similar to the hintTemplate.
In the Agenda view of the Kendo Scheduler, multi-day events that are not marked as "All Day" are currently displayed with a time range of 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM for intermediate days. This is incorrect and should be updated to show "All Day" for these days.
Steps to Reproduce:
Create a multi-day event (e.g., September 1, 12:30 PM to September 5, 3:00 PM).
Ensure the event's 'isAllDay' property is set to 'false'.
View the event in the Agenda view.
Expected Behavior:
Start date (September 1) shows the start time (12:30 PM).
End date (September 5) shows the end time (3:00 PM).
Intermediate days (September 2 to 4) display "All Day" instead of 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM.
Actual Behavior: Intermediate days display 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM. They should display "All Day" to accurately represent the event spanning these days.
Example of current and desired rendering - https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-lhne15?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts
Currently, it can be achieved with a template, but it will be nice if it's handled internally.
Currently, the columns of the MultiColumnComboBox do not support built-in functionalities for user manipulation like sorting, resizing, etc., similar to the Grid component for example. The only available approach for achieving this is by implementing a Grid component in the popup of a ComboBox component through a template:
Please provide the ability to sort, resize, etc. the columns of the MultiColumnComboBox.
We currently are using TinyMce and they have a plugin that allows you to insert templates into their editor. When writing content, templates can save users a lot of time, especially when they’re entering a lot of the same content over and over. They also have the ability to configure template replace values.
Adding a similar plugin to the Kendo Editor would be nice.
It will be a good to feature for projects to know their current path and expected path as there are delays in the real world and it will be great to track it in the Gantt tasks.
Explenation of the feature:
In the Hierarchical drawer, there should be a way to programmatically collapse or expand the drawer items.
Being able to manually trigger the `isItemExpanded` check would be helpful in this. The conditions that make an item expanded could be changed and then the check triggered. For example, if the callback is:
isItemExpanded: DrawerItemExpandedFn = (item): boolean => {
return this.expandedIndices.indexOf(item.id) >= 0;
If we open a window using the WindowService and a custom component for the window content, there seems to be no easy way to disable the "minimize" action.
Example (pseudo code):
title: 'Execution Details',
content: MyDetailsWindowComponent,
width: 800,
height: 600,
minimizable: false, // < suggested feature
maximizable: false // < suggested feature
Szenario: Esp. minify makes no sense in many situations (while we still don't want a "dialog like behavior" with backdrop and modal).
In a line chart where markers are set to be not visible.
There is no way to increase the hit box of a marker (or line) to be hit if I want to trigger the tooltip of the marker.
The mouse hover obviously works better from it's inherent logic (a click not beeing involved), but triggering the tool tip with a touch gesture seems quite fumbly. One has to hit the line very exactly. Up to a point where one has to try several times to make it happen, which makes it very impractical for new users who might not even know that there are tooltips to be displayed.
For further infos here is my forum thread with more details:
As described there, increasing the marker size does only work when markers are visible.
Making the line thicker might help a little but comes with unwanted optical changes which are impractical for most usecases.
Best Regards,
Leo Härdle
Currently, when using the kendoGridInCellEditing directive of the Grid, the cell enters edit mode with a single mouse click. The only approach for modifying the default behavior is by manually implementing the editing functionality and handling the HTML dblclick event, as demonstrated in the following article:
Please provide an option that enables specifying whether the in-cell editing is activated upon a single or double click when using the kendoGridInCellEditing directive.