Currently, the fields DropDownList does not have a filter option to narrow down the popup list of items. Adding this feature would be a great improvement, especially for scenarios with more than 20 items in the filter fields.
Currently, "Is equal to" is the default operator for each added filter expression in the Filter component and there is no built-in option to modify it to a different one.
The only way to achieve this at present is to modify the operator field of each filter expression in the valueChange event of the component:
Please provide such an option for the Filter component similar to the one available in the Grid's filter row and menu components:
We have been starting to use the Filter Feature to open up a Dialog for users to customize the filter, but it would be nice to be able to hide some of default buttons, and format the width around the filter expressions. We need to hide some of these as we are not building the backend to handle the need for some of these items.
For example:
- We are not building the ability to allow for an OR between Filters, so being able to hide the "And/Or" buttons would be helpful.
- We are not building the ability to handle groups of statements, just one list of filers, so removing the "Add Group" button would be helpful.
- We are using the template ability to customize one of our Expressions with a template the uses the <kendo-multiselecttree> dropdown, but really don't need the extra dropdown to list the Operator, so having the ability to remove the operator drop down completely for this one Expression would be helpful.
- Being able to adjust the width of the three boxes in the Filter expression as I think the Operator box is too wide.
I attached what it is we are trying to accomplish it it helps.
It will be nice to have the option to disable the whole component or set it in readonly mode. Currently, you would need to attach the k-disabled class to the filter component to disable the component.
Ability to customize the fields control of the FilterExressions:
Hi, Team!
I would like to request a functionality such that it allows the developers to configure the built-in NumericTextBox to prevent the input of decimal numbers.
Please add an expression preview property like the one in Kendo UI for jQuery:
It will be a good addition to the component if the developer can set specific popupSettings (with appendTo option) for the DropDown components that are used inside the Filter component.
Thank you for your consideration.
Please provide a template for the operators of the FilterExressions.
Please provide the parent CompositeFilterDescriptor item of the currentItem (FilterDescriptor) via the kendoFilterValueEditorTemplate.