Last Updated: 09 Jun 2021 15:26 by ADMIN
Created on: 12 Mar 2019 04:39
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
Error focus on Multi Select selected item

Is there any way to set error focus on the selected items in multi select component.
And after that, user can take immediate action to update the value, say auto Open the drop down dialog and go to the selected item.

Martin Bechev
Posted on: 09 Jun 2021 15:26

Hi Gary,

The feature request is declined due to a lack of information. Further details about the requested functionality were not provided.

Progress Telerik

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Dimiter Topalov
Posted on: 18 Mar 2019 10:26
Hello Gary,

I am afraid that the provided information is not enough for us to fully understand the scenario and the desired functionality.

In general, you can use the MultiSelect API, and more specifically - the focus and toggle methods to focus and open/close the component programmatically.

Can you please explain in further details what exactly does "set error focus" mean in this context, and what the desired functionality and layout are, so we can decide whether we can provide a built-in functionality, or rather suggest opening a private support thread where we can discuss a workaround or solution, based on the current built-in features.

Thank you in advance.

Dimiter Topalov
Progress Telerik
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