Thank you for your feature request, Fawad! Your Telerik points were updated for it!
While this is more or less a request for a new .NET conversion library but not for an UI component, I would like to suggest the following workaround for the community:
You can use the drawing functionality of RadImageEditor to draw the handwriting text and convert the saved image to text using a third-party library as for example You can also configure the ImageEditor by loading a white background image as a canvas as well as firing the Pencil command to enable the Drawing mode of the control. After that you can hide the toolbar and the dialog with .rieToolBar, .rieDialogs { display: none !important } as shown below:
.rieToolBar, .rieDialogs { display: none !important }
function OnClientLoad(imageEditor) {"Pencil");
<telerik:RadImageEditor ID="RadImageEditor1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/WhiteBackground.png"
CanvasMode="Yes" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad">
<telerik:ImageEditorTool CommandName="Pencil" />
You can find more information on handwriting to text conversion at: