We are using SearchBox to search for patients. After entering some texts when we hit ENTER key it should submit and search.
It works fine when we use the main ENTER key but when we hit the numpad ENTER key it doesn't work as it should.
In fact it opens edit patient dialog.
I checked the demo here in your site and here also I noticed that the main ENTER key works but when you hit Numpad ENTER key it doesn't
Thank You
When the JAWS screen reader is used alongside the Grid with enabled keyboard navigation, using Alt + Up/Down arrow doesn't work as intended, most noticeably trying to use Alt + UpArrow doesn't move the focus to the previous row.
This behavior can be observer on the Keyboard navigation demo as well
Steps to reproduce
When the zip is opened with SecureZip, it reports 9 errors. When extracted with any zip utility, there are duplicate files in the zip. I think the files should be in folders within the zip. Attached is one such file. I've tried this several times with different base themes.
When you have a Visual Studio solution with 1 or more Telerik AJAX projects and one or more non-web projects, the upgrade wizard does not list any projects.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Create a new Telerik AJAX project with target framework 4.7.2 or 4.8
2. Add a new class library project with target framework 4.7.2 to the solution.
3. Select the solution file.
4. Launch the Upgrade wizard from the Telerik main menu.
Expected behavior
The Upgrade wizard should list projects
For RadGrid, after setting EnableKeyboardShortcuts to false, I find the Up/Down keys are also disabled. However, according to your online document below, the Up/Down keys shouldn't be disabled in this case.
According the Keyboard Support online demo, these buttons should not get disabled:
"The grid also features an additional property ClientSettings -> KeyboardNavigationSettings -> EnableKeyboardShortcuts which when set to false will disable all keyboard navigation shortcuts except for the Up/Down and Page Up/Page Down keys."
For the time being the following workaround can be used: <telerik:RadFileExplorer ID="RadFileExplorer1" runat="server" Width="230px" Height="430px" DisplayUpFolderItem="true" ExplorerMode="FileTree"> </telerik:RadFileExplorer> <script> Telerik.Web.UI.RadFileExplorer.prototype._onTreeContextMenuItemClicked = function (sender, args) { var treeNode = args.get_node(); var menuItem = args.get_menuItem().get_value(); switch (menuItem) { case "Rename": treeNode.startEdit(); var nodeInput = treeNode.get_inputElement(); if (!this._allowFileExtensionRename) { var item = this._createItemFromTreeViewNode(treeNode); if (!item.isDirectory()) nodeInput.value = $T.FileExplorerHelper.stripExtension(item); } this._attachFileNameValidator(nodeInput); var treeUL = sender.get_childListElement(); this._treeKeyDownDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._treeKeyDown); if (treeUL) $telerik.addHandler(treeUL, "keydown", this._treeKeyDownDelegate, true); break; case "NewFolder": if (!this._isNodeADirectory(treeNode)) { treeNode = treeNode.get_parent(); } var nodeValue = treeNode.get_value(); this.createNewDirectory(nodeValue); break; case "Delete": var selItems = sender.get_selectedNodes(); var delItem = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < selItems.length; i++) { var currItem = this._createItemFromTreeViewNode(selItems[i]); delItem.push(currItem); } this.deleteItem(delItem); break; case "Upload": this._showUploadWindow(); break; case "Copy": var selectedItem = null; if (!treeNode.get_selected()) { selectedItem = this._createItemFromTreeViewNode(treeNode); } this._copy("tree", selectedItem); break; case "Paste": var pasteItem = this._createItemFromTreeViewNode(treeNode); this._paste(pasteItem); break; } } </script>
A function that is attached to this event is triggered on clicking the RadWindow's toolbar, even if it is already active.
.hasChanges() results in records flagged for Delete to not actually get deleted when .saveChanges() executes.
I found the same behaviour on a LiveDemo example that checks .hasChanges(): Grid - Binding to Telerik ClientDataSource
Steps to reproduce:
Using the set_value() method of the DatePicker's Input, set "2024-05-08" (the date format is dd/MM/yyyy), the month and day are misplaced and the control gets the wrong date of 05/08/2024.
When the day is larger than 12, the correct date is received. For example, '2024-05-14' will update the control correctly and we see the control with 14/05/2024.
Hi Telerik Support,
the scrolling and pagination does not seem to work in Firefox anymore. Is there any workaround?
in Chrome and Edge it works just fine!
if i click on an Pagenumber or Next Page or sth. like this, there happens nothing.
if i try to scroll the scrollbars showing up and changing their size, but they doesnt scroll.
i have also tried to scroll here:
but it didnt work also
Thanks you and Best Regards
I have an ASP.NET Ajax Telerik Solution (site) that has a web site project and a library project. The solution was developed almost 8 years ago and so far I've been able to upgrade telerik controls several times without any problem. Now, when I tried to upgrade the Telerik controls using the Upgrade Wizard Project only shows the class library as you can see in the attached picture.
To replicate this beahavior:
1. Create a new Telerik VB Webform Site
2. Add a Class Library Net Framework project to the solution.
3. Add a reference to Telerik.Web.UI to the Class Library project (optional).
4. Save and close solution.
5. Reopen it and run the Telerik Upgrade Wizard Project.
It only shows the Class Library project ...
An unwanted second captcha is being created and the UI does not update when the second captcha is created. There are no other Ajax calls on the page that are causing this issue.
We have extended the BaseCaptchaCachingProvider and are now saving the image in the database. After making this change, the image is no longer grayed out; however, validation only succeeds after every three attempts. When we check the database, we notice that a second key with a different image has been added before the user clicks the submit. On the user interface, we still see the old image.