Would it possible to build in a text search filter into a Listbox?
Re: https://www.telerik.com/account/support-center/view-ticket/1677442
Re: https://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/documentation/knowledge-base/listbox-client-side-filter
Business Need - User Story Terminology:
As a Telerik Support Specialist, I would like our programmers to incorporate new code which will treat hyphens as if it were a space upon ExportToPdf() so that we gracefully handle for scenarios where a very long word with a hyphen will wrap to the next line instead of overlapping other content.
I was looking around to develop a web app that allows streaming camera view in order to take pictures, showing the previews, letting cancel/retake or transfer (upload/save) them.
I started from the input control, that makes more or less what I need, but start a video streaming, letting the user simply to capture frame from it to save pictures, is more user friendly and simplify a lot the workflow.
So I started to work with video element, canvas and FloatingActionsButton, hitting against many issues, starting from the different browsers compatibilities.
I was just wondering if Telerik would never implement such a camera + gallery component, in order to take and manage pictures easily and cross platform.
Thank you, kind regards