Last Updated: 18 Jul 2024 08:38 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q3 (Aug)
Created by: Roland Klug
Comments: 2
Category: PdfViewer
Type: Bug Report

Hi Telerik Support,

the scrolling and pagination does not seem to work in Firefox anymore. Is there any workaround?
in Chrome and Edge it works just fine!

if i click on an Pagenumber or Next Page or sth. like this, there happens nothing.
if i try to scroll the scrollbars showing up and changing their size, but they doesnt scroll.

i have also tried to scroll here:


but it didnt work also

Thanks you and Best Regards


Last Updated: 13 Jun 2024 14:39 by Russ
RadGrid batch editing fails when it is inside a RadWindow that is part of WindowManager
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2024 07:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Trent
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request


For ASPX.NET AJAX... JQuery 1.x branch is still being utilized / embedded (even though some of the bigger issues have been manually changed by your Progress Team) does not cut it with our client base. JQuery Branch 1.x is not acceptable and has been a Severe security item for ALL PEN testing solutions for some time.

What are the Progress plans to get jQuery up to SPEC (3.7.x... etc.). We have no interest in over-riding the version of jQuery as is noted in some of the forums. This creates other issues at the Telerik component level... we do not want to deal with component issues as that is why we procure 3rd party Components in the first place.

"Security is paramount over functionality in most web applications today."

This is major, as we would have to move on to other technologies if your roadmap does not meet our needs. Q1 2025 at min.

I am certain many other users are in the same boat.

Kind Regards


Last Updated: 07 Jun 2024 12:57 by Márcio
Created by: Márcio
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Bug Report

Steps to reproduce in an editor with enabled track changes mechanism:

  1. Insert a table
  2. Insert a new line after it (paragraph)
  3. Insert another table
  4. Hit the Undo (or Ctrl+Z)
  5. The second table is removed (as expected) but also the first table lost its track-changes formatting (which is unexpected).
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2024 13:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Peter Milchev
Comments: 11
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request
Allow RadGantt to export the data to Excel
Last Updated: 30 May 2024 12:28 by ADMIN
Created by: Wayne
Comments: 7
Category: MultiColumnComboBox
Type: Bug Report

(copy of Selection bug MultiColumnComboBox in UI for ASP.NET AJAX | Telerik Forums)


1. Go to Telerik Web UI MultiColumnComboBox WebForms MultiColumnComboBox Overview Demo | Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX

2. Enter "ha" select some records

3. Hover mouse over any of dropdown records

4. Click out of the dropdown to close it

5. Textbox keeps "ha" but the message below reads that You have selected Thomas Hardy whose ID is AROUT. They are a Sales Representative at Around the Horn however, nothing has been selected.

Is it expected ?
If it's a bug and having a long cycle to fixing bugs could you recommend any workaround?

Last Updated: 30 May 2024 11:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Paulo
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
I would like to suggest the Skeleton component to ASP.NET Ajax how there is to Blazor (https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/skeleton/overview)
Last Updated: 13 May 2024 11:33 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q3
PdfViewer throws the JavaScript exception "Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object" when clicking on the search button to search for words.
Last Updated: 08 May 2024 09:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Rodney
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report
In RadEditor when specifying WordIgnoreOptions="None", I would expect that "THe" would be flagged as a misspelling, but it is not. It appears the WordIgnoreOptions is being ignored. 
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2024 09:59 by omti
Created by: omti
Comments: 0
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Bug Report

When the RadPivotGrid is Ajaxified from the RadAjaxManager, the paging functionality doesn't work as intended.

Steps to reproduce: 

  1. Have an Ajaxified PivotGrid
  2. Change the page size (from 10 to 20)
  3. Click the go to next/previous page or first/last page button
Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 15:59 by ADMIN
Scheduled for R3 2022
Created by: David
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Feature Request

WAVE tool indicates errors in RadTreeView when CheckBoxes are enabled for the Control:

Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 10:20 by Scott
Created by: Scott
Comments: 0
Category: AsyncUpload
Type: Feature Request
The current implementation of the AsyncUpload uses its built-in file appender methods, and we would like an option to customize this.
Last Updated: 04 Apr 2024 15:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Valerio
Comments: 3
Category: PdfViewer
Type: Feature Request



is there a way to applay for a Page rotation on RadPdfViewer?

I cannot find nothing about.




Last Updated: 03 Apr 2024 20:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Muhammad Jamil Nawaz
Comments: 1
Category: AutoCompleteBox
Type: Bug Report


We have a problem in our application, where when the user is typing the text to the input field of auto completed. After pressing "@" the text starts shaking. I tried to reproduce the same issue with online demo.


Use render mode Classic.


In the render mode Lightweight, the text is always shaking but in the Classic render mode, when the "@" typed, the text is shaking. 

The customer reported this as production issue in our application. Please suggest the solution of this asap.


Last Updated: 05 Mar 2024 09:16 by akshay
Created by: akshay
Comments: 0
Category: CloudUpload
Type: Feature Request

We would like to request updating the Azure library for uploading files to Azure Blob Storage.

The WindowsAzure.Storage library has been deprecated and is no longer maintained.

Last Updated: 30 Jan 2024 08:25 by Chris

We have recently implemented the Signature control into our Web Forms application using the latest version of Telerik UI Controls for Asp.Net Ajax.

We are having an issue where if the signature control isn’t in the main focus when it loads (for example the control is in a tab that isn't initially the main focus) - the signature stroke is distorted.

In addition, when you maximize the signing area - it has the same distorted view.

Last Updated: 25 Jan 2024 16:33 by Raul

The issue can be replicated in the OLAP and KPIs Support demo.

Steps to replicate the issue:

  • Add an item to the "Row Fields" by checking the checkbox of the item in the "All Fields" panel
  • Remove the item from the "Row Fields" by unchecking the checkbox of the item in the "All Fields" panel
  • Click the Update button
  • After the PostBack the PivotGrid will display the Item in the "Row Fields" despite it was removed soon after adding it.
Last Updated: 18 Jan 2024 12:41 by ADMIN
Created by: Rumen
Comments: 10
Category: ScriptManager
Type: Feature Request
Subresource Integrity is a fairly new security scheme for protecting against malicious script obtained from third-party source (CDNs). It requires that the script tag include a hash of the script content so the browser can verify that it has not been altered.

Telerik controls generate a bunch of script tags for cloudfront.net. It would be swell if the script tags would include the extra attributes necessary to implement subresource integrity. Is this in the roadmap? 

Mozilla provides a security analysis tool which highlights this issue. Look at the results for telerik.com here -> https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze/www.telerik.com. 

More info available on 
Last Updated: 18 Jan 2024 10:32 by Dev
When making a partial PostBack while the Combos are inside a RadAjaxPanel, the components initialize in the reverse order, where the last Combo initializes first, the second to last initializes next, and so on. This way, the Child combos can't access the Parent's values as the parent is not initialized at that time.
Last Updated: 19 Dec 2023 09:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Rumen
Comments: 2
Category: Theme Builder
Type: Feature Request
Provide the ability to import and modify an existing theme built with the ASP.NET AJAX ThemeBuilder app.
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