This issue seems fixed for AzureAD while it is not for WSFederation authentication
It seems the final solution is to manually remove the entries with null/empty key from the submitted form
Thank you for reporting this.
As a temporary workaround you can use on the following two approaches:
1) Set a custom PromptTemplate for the RadWindowManager
<telerik:RadWindowManager runat="server" ID="rwm1" RenderMode="Lightweight">
<%--Uncomment for the solution: changing the RadPrompt template to make sure the input has a name attribute, for example
Alternatively, you can remove the entire prompt template if you do not use the RadPrompt feature in your app
Read more on changing the templates here,-confirm,-prompt-dialogs/how-to-change-the-dialog-templates--%>
some dummy text, a changed template or preferably blank
2) Load this script in the end of the form or body tag:
$telerik.$(".rwPromptInput").each(function () {
var inp = this;
if (! { = $telerik.$(inp).closest("[id]")[0].id + "_input"; =, "$");
Peter Milchev
Progress Telerik