Thank you for reporting this issue. As a temporary workaround, you can use on the of the two following options:
In the meantime, you can use one of the following approaches to workaround it:
1) Use a script that moves the cookie form after the framework's form:
<script type="text/javascript">
Sys.Application.add_load(function () {
var setIntervalFIX = setInterval(function () {
var opt = $telerik.$("#optanon");
if (opt.length > 0) {
}, 500);
2) Place the following script under the script manager to override the built-in functionality and look for the from that contains the ToolBar
Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBarItem.prototype._detachDropDown = function() {
if (this._detached)
this._dropDownPositionKeeperElement = document.createElement("span");
var dropDownElement = this.get_animationContainer();
dropDownElement.parentNode.insertBefore(this._dropDownPositionKeeperElement, dropDownElement);
if (!Sys.UI.DomElement.containsCssClass(dropDownElement, this.get_toolBar()._cssClass))
$telerik.addCssClasses(dropDownElement, [this.get_toolBar()._cssClass]);
//var rootParent = document.forms[0] || document.body;
var rootParent = $telerik.$(this.get_toolBar().get_element()).closest("form")[0] || document.body;
rootParent.insertBefore(dropDownElement, rootParent.firstChild);
this._detached = true;
Peter Milchev
Progress Telerik