We are looking for an option/rad control to have outlook or msg attachment. We have outlook emails with attachment within it. The attachment can vary from PDF, WORD, Outlook Message, Images, and more. The attachment also includes the signature or sensitive data. Currently, we are using a redemption library for an MSG attachment. We would like to know if Telerik offers a solution like redemption we can try. Redemption has a lot of issues. So we are looking for an alternative. Can you please provide an option for MSG attachment?
Hi Rushabh,
Thank you for your feature request!
Telerik is proficient in building UI components, but those are Data Objects - a complete Outlook Object Model, which are currently not part of our portfolio neither for web nor for desktop.
If you'd like you can save the outlook email as a msg file or directly drag and drop the email to your desktop which will produce a msg file, which you can later upload with RadAsyncUpload control.
Best Regards,
Progress Telerik