Thank you for your time reporting this problem. The issue is confirmed to be a bug and we have logged it in our system.
We can suggest the following two options that might serve as a viable workaround:
Option 1: If milliseconds are just as important as the rest of the values, change the DateTime value to String instead.
Option 2: If the milliseconds doesn't matter but they come with the parsed date, you can use the Date property of the DateTime object to extract only the date such as Day, Month, tear, Hour, Minute and Seconds.
var dateWithMilliseconds = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-24 18:05:21.057"); // Output: 09/24/2018 18:05:21.057
var dateWithoutMilliSeconds = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-24 18:05:21.057").Date; // Output: 09/24/2018 18:05:21