So you don't have a dedicated place to put this so I'm placing it here with the hope the right person get it. I don't use the MSI to do my updates because I hate my controls being placed into ind folders that you came up with. I constantly find myself rummaging through them looking for the correct control. HOWEVER.. if I manually DL them and ref the DLL and create a folder of my own making all the controls flow in in alphabetical order and I can get to the exact one I need instantly. If the MSI can be changed to ask me for how I want them placed into VS so that happens I can then DL the MSI and get all the other features I lose doing it this way. After talking with CS/Tech support the is for MVC type applications. I'd like to suggest dropping the word "core" and changing it to MVC to avoid confusion. So hope this gets to the right set of eyes. Cheers!
Hi David,
Thank you for your valuable feedback regarding the MSI installer.
Have you tried by any chance the zip or the hotfix zip installers? They contain only the files you need to run the controls and allow you to extract them in the desired location?
You can find more details at Which File Do I Need to Install and Using the Hotfix.
Progress Telerik