I think it would be a great addition to the grid control if there was an attribute that you could apply to the columns called "SortNullsLast" or something along those lines. This attribute would modify the grid's sorting functionality and only apply the ascending or descending sort to non-null values. Currently when you sort ascending, null values are sorted to the top of the grid. This new attribute would allow the non-null values to show up at the top in ascending order. An example of why this would be useful is having a grid that tracks an optional requested completion date of a task. You would want to be able to sort the grid so that the earliest date shows first in the grid. Right now, any records that don't have this optional date would show first, which doesn't make sense.
This would be fantastic !
In the normal old winform datagridview it was simply possible by "SortCompare".. i would like to buy the radgridview but as far as this is not availabel, i cant.. my customers need it.
anyway old solution was :
Private Sub DG_RM_SortCompare(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewSortCompareEventArgs) Handles DG_RM.SortCompare