When the fore/backcolor of the Editor is changed through its toolbar, the same color is set to all Editors on the page. The problem is reproducible in Lightweight rendering. Video: https://www.screencast.com/t/YQ4OnNmu
Hi there,
You can use the following solution to fix the problem:
<telerik:RadEditor ID="editor2" runat="server" RenderMode="Lightweight"></telerik:RadEditor>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof (Telerik.Web.UI.Editor) != "undefined") {
var $ = $telerik.$;
Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.UI.LightweightColorPickerView.prototype.decorate = function (color) {
var editorId = this.owner.get_parent().get_editor().get_id();
var styleEl = $("head").find("style#re" + this.owner.get_name() + "_" + editorId + "_StyleHolder");
if (!styleEl.get(0)) {
styleEl = $("<style></style>").attr("id", "re" + this.owner.get_name() + "_" + editorId + "_StyleHolder");
var content = "";
if (color) {
content = "#" + editorId + " a.reToolIcon.reTool.re" + this.owner.get_name() + ":before{color:" + color + ";}";
try { //IE8 throws an error when setting innerHTML to a <style> element
catch (e) {
styleEl.prop("styleSheet").cssText = content;
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