The Button text initially shows "Never", even though the appointment has a different recurrence.
deleted by dkrause
Workarounds: 1. Use Web Service binding where the issue is not observed 2. Use the following workaround that could make the text of the button "Edit Recurrence" every time function OnClientFormCreated(sender, args) { // it is in Mobile rendering if (sender.get_renderMode() == 4) { var $ = $telerik.$, $T = Telerik.Web.UI, $TRE = $T.SchedulerRecurrenceEditor; var $recurrenceToggle = $(".rsAdvRepeat"); $recurrenceToggle.text("Edit Recurrence"); // If you use this workaround, the text will be always "Edit Recurrence" $TRE.NativeView.prototype._updateRecurrenceButtonText = function () { var $recurrenceToggle = $(this._getElement("AppointmentRepeat")); $recurrenceToggle.text("Edit Recurrence"); } } } If you do not override the _updateRecurrenceButtonText and only set the recurrenceToggle text, then you could have the correct value as the button text when you click the button and then select a new recurrence rule.