FF 52 and Chrome58 seem to have started reading some CSS from 2010 differently. This affects controls such as RadMenu, RadTreeView, RadPanelBar, RadEditor, RadListBox, RadTabStrip that are in the ContentTemplate of a RadWindow. The issue can manifest as bad element alignment or extra padding. Internal fix will be available as of R2 2017. There are two workarounds: - use the Lightweight Render Mode (helps in some cases) - add a CSS override similar to the following /* FireFox 52+ and Chrome 58+ */ html:first-child .RadWindowFixed ul { float: none !important; } <telerik:RadWindow ID="RadWindow2" runat="server" Title="Rad Window with RadTreeView - Fixed" Width="400px" MinWidth="230px" MaxWidth="600px" CssClass="RadWindowFixed" Height="610px" VisibleOnPageLoad="true" Behaviors="Minimize, Move, Maximize, Resize" VisibleStatusbar="false" KeepInScreenBounds="true" Left="406">