In Chrome and IE the clicking of the SELECT button for the uploads is kinda difficult when using MATERIAL skin. See the following video: How-to fix the bug: 1. Create a CSS file named dialog.css 2. Put the following class in the dialog.css file: .RadUpload .ruFileInput { height: 50px !important; } 3. Set the DialogsCssFile property to point to the dialog.css file: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" Skin="Material" RenderMode="Lightweight" DialogsCssFile="~/dialog.css" runat="server"> <ImageManager ViewPaths="~/Images" UploadPaths="~/Images" /> </telerik:RadEditor> 4. Save the page. 5. Clear the browser cache and load the page in it. If needed reload the dialog contents 3-4 times to clear the cache -> right click and choose Reload frame from the Chrome context menu.