The Lightweight RenderMode of the RadWindow does not have a <label> element next to the <input> inside the status bar. When running this through automated accessibility checks, this can be reported as an issue. It is very likely a false positive because: - when the WAI-ARIA support of the control is enabled (EnableAriaSupport="true"), the role="presentation" attributes is present and it should instruct screen readers to skip this part of the page. - the input has the readonly and unselectable attributes which should indicate to screen readers that the user cannot interact with it. Nevertheless, there are several possible workarounds: - use the Classic RenderMode of the control. It renders a <label> element, but uses many tables. - remove the input (see Example 1 below) - add a label (see Example 2 below) Like this idea to vote for adding a <label> for the statusbar <input> in the Lighweight RenderMode as well. Otherwise, a <label> will not be added. Example 1: remove the statusbar input <telerik:RadWindow runat="server" ID="RadWindow1" VisibleStatusbar="false" RenderMode="Lightweight" EnableAriaSupport="true" VisibleOnPageLoad="true" NavigateUrl="" OnClientShow="removeStatusInput"></telerik:RadWindow> <script> function removeStatusInput(sender, args) { $telerik.$(".rwStatusBar input", sender.get_popupElement()).remove(); } </script> Example 2: add a statusbar label <telerik:RadWindow runat="server" ID="RadWindow1" VisibleStatusbar="false" RenderMode="Lightweight" EnableAriaSupport="true" VisibleOnPageLoad="true" NavigateUrl="" OnClientShow="addStatusLabel"></telerik:RadWindow> <script> function addStatusLabel(sender, args) { var label = $telerik.$(".rwStatusBar label", sender.get_popupElement()); if (label.length == 0) { label = document.createElement("label"); label.setAttribute("for", $telerik.$(".rwStatusBar input", sender.get_popupElement()).attr("id")); = "none"; label.innerHTML = "status label"; $telerik.$(".rwStatusBar", sender.get_popupElement()).append(label); } } </script>