The Classic RenderMode displays the Crop icon for custom tools, the Lightweight RenderMode displays a gear icon Workaround: /*set background image*/ .rieSomeCommandName { background-image: url(my-images/icon_16x16.png) !important; } /*add for lightweight render mode*/ .rieSomeCommandName.rtbImage::before { /*set your own font and/or content if you want to use a font icon instead of a raster image*/ content: "" !important; } where the command name is taken from the tool by concatenating rie + <command name>: <telerik:RadImageEditor runat="server" ID="RadImageEditor1"> <Tools> <telerik:ImageEditorToolGroup> <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="some text" CommandName="SomeCommandName" ImageUrl="my-images/icon_16x16.png"></telerik:ImageEditorTool> </telerik:ImageEditorToolGroup> </Tools> </telerik:RadImageEditor>