Last Updated: 09 Jun 2021 16:09 by ADMIN
Created on: 08 Jun 2016 14:11
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
ADD WAI-ARIA Support for RadGrid with UseStaticHeaders
With the use of the "UseStaticHeaders"-Parameter all ARIA-Tags are gone in the rendered RadGrid.
We need the support of WAI-ARIA in our application for our customer.
Dont using this Parameter is no option for us.
You are not telling this missing function in your documentation.
Posted on: 14 Jun 2016 15:05
Thank you for the additional information.

Actually, this is not a problem since this is how the rendering of the grid is designed. The splitting of the content in two tables does not cause problems because both tables are fully HTML compatible and have the required WAI-ARIA attributes as expected. 

Please elaborate more if you have any other expectations or experience any specific issues with the current structure of the control with static headers.
Posted on: 14 Jun 2016 08:34

i've reproduced the problem. To test it I upgraded our Software to the newest Telerik version to the trial-version.

The html rendered table is splittet (headers in one table and body in one table) if I turn on "UseStaticHeaders" to true. If this option is disabled the table will be rendered as one table.
RenderMode is by default "classic" in our application.

Our definition of the table:

<rad:RadGrid runat="server" ID="GridPositions" Height="380px" Width="97%" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
	OnDeleteCommand="GridPositions_OnDeleteCommand" AllowPaging="false" ShowHeader="true"
	Style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 14px" OnNeedDataSource="GridPositions_OnNeedDataSource"

	<MasterTableView GridLines="None" TableLayout="Fixed" EnableNoRecordsTemplate="true"
		DataKeyNames="Position " ClientDataKeyNames="Position">

			<div style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px !important;">
				Bitte erfassen Sie mindestens eine Position. Klicken Sie dazu auf 'Position erfassen'.</div>

			<rad:GridButtonColumn ...../>

	<ClientSettings EnableRowHoverStyle="true">
		<Resizing AllowColumnResize="false" EnableRealTimeResize="false" />
		<Selecting AllowRowSelect="true" />
		<Scrolling AllowScroll="True" UseStaticHeaders="true" SaveScrollPosition="True" />
		<ClientEvents OnRowClick="RowClick" />

Kind regards
Posted on: 14 Jun 2016 07:30

We tried to reproduce the problem but without success.
We tested with

UseStaticHeaders = “true/false”;
RenderMode = “Classic/Lightweight”
DataBinding = “Server / ClientSide”

and verified that the grid has applied WAI-ARIA attributes to its headers, columns, rows and cells.

Can you please test with the latest R2 2016 SP1 version and if the problem still persists open a support ticket or forum post and provide more information about:
- the grid setup in your app
- and which WAI-ARIA attributes you require to be provided