The error is "Wrong Document". The dialog creates the table from different document instead of the document of the RadEditor's content area. Here is the workaround: <script type="text/javascript"> Telerik.Web.UI.InsertTableLight.prototype.getModifiedTable = function(tableToModify){ var rowCount = parseInt(this._rowsCount.value, 10); var colCount = parseInt(this._colsCount.value, 10); if (!tableToModify && !(isNaN(rowCount) || isNaN(colCount))) { tableToModify = this._editor.get_document().createElement("table"); this._originalRowsCount = 0; this._originalColsCount = 0; } if (!tableToModify) return; var originalRowsCount = this._originalRowsCount; var originalColsCount = this._originalColsCount; if (rowCount > 0 && rowCount != originalRowsCount) { rowCount > originalRowsCount ? this.addRowsCols(tableToModify, originalRowsCount, rowCount, true) : this.removeRowsCols(tableToModify, originalRowsCount, rowCount, true); } if (colCount > 0 && colCount != originalColsCount) { colCount > originalColsCount ? this.addRowsCols(tableToModify, originalColsCount, colCount, false) : this.removeRowsCols(tableToModify, originalColsCount, colCount, false); } this._setAttribValue(tableToModify, "align", this._alignmentSelectorTable.getAlign()); var oSpacing = parseInt(this._cellSpacing.value, 10); if (!isNaN(parseInt(oSpacing, 10))) this._setAttribValue(tableToModify, "cellSpacing", oSpacing >= 0 ? oSpacing : "", (oSpacing >= 0)); var oPadding = parseInt(this._cellPadding.value, 10); if (!isNaN(parseInt(oPadding, 10))) this._setAttribValue(tableToModify, "cellPadding", oPadding >= 0 ? oPadding : "", (oPadding >= 0)); var oBorderWidth = parseInt(this._borderWidth.value, 10); if (!isNaN(parseInt(oBorderWidth, 10))) this._setAttribValue(tableToModify, "border", oBorderWidth >= 0 ? oBorderWidth : "", (oBorderWidth >= 0)); return tableToModify; } </script>