According to client reports, having an ID set to the HTML element that holds the text of the predefined dialogs improves the way JAWS handles them. Here is a small example that shows how you can do that: <telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManager1" runat="server" OnClientShow="OnClientShow"></telerik:RadWindowManager> <script> function OnClientShow(sender, args) { if (sender._isPredefined) { var dialogId = sender.get_id(); var textContainer = $telerik.$(".rwDialogText", sender.get_contentElement()); //for the Lightweight RenderMode, use the ".rwDialogMessage" selector var textConainerIdPrefix = "dialogContent_"; textContainer.attr("id", textConainerIdPrefix + dialogId); } } function pageLoad() { radalert("a warning"); radconfirm("a confirmation"); radprompt("a prompt"); } </script>