Last Updated: 11 Jan 2016 08:28 by ADMIN
Marin Bratanov
Created on: 10 Mar 2015 13:34
Category: Window
Type: Feature Request
IMPROVE The predefined RadWindowManager dialogs should have an ID set to their content element to facilitate reading by JAWS
According to client reports, having an ID set to the HTML element that holds the text of the predefined dialogs improves the way JAWS handles them. Here is a small example that shows how you can do that:

<telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManager1" runat="server" OnClientShow="OnClientShow"></telerik:RadWindowManager>
	function OnClientShow(sender, args) {
		if (sender._isPredefined) {
			var dialogId = sender.get_id();
			var textContainer = $telerik.$(".rwDialogText", sender.get_contentElement());
                        //for the Lightweight RenderMode, use the ".rwDialogMessage" selector
			var textConainerIdPrefix = "dialogContent_";
			textContainer.attr("id", textConainerIdPrefix + dialogId);
	function pageLoad() {
		radalert("a warning");
		radconfirm("a confirmation");
		radprompt("a prompt");