Last Updated: 15 Jun 2015 15:24 by Guillaume
Created on: 04 Nov 2014 20:02
Category: ComboBox
Type: Bug Report
Incorrect checked items after postback when list contains server-side invisible items
Version: 2014.3.1024 - NET 4.0 - Visual Studio 2012 Pro

The bug occurs when checkboxes are enabled and one or more items are set invisible on the server-side (Visible=false). Checked items are not persisted correctly between postbacks. I have included a sample project to show the incorrect behavior.

Steps to reproduce to problem:

1- Start the sample project
2- The first combobox has 10 items. The first one has been set invisible.
3- Check an item
4- Click the "Select" button
5- The wrong item is checked. The checked item change at every postback

Also, the RadComboBox control should automatically select the first visible item instead of the first item of the list. The second combobox of the sample projet shows this behavior.

Thank you for looking at this issue.

Attached Files: