Last Updated: 29 Oct 2014 12:50 by ADMIN
Created on: 28 Oct 2014 13:38
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
Demo Update
In an effort to better promote Client-Side development that leverages your API, I recommend you update your demos that capture and log events (such as http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/input/examples/programming/clientside/apievents/defaultcs.aspx) to behave and act more like the Web Developer Console logging of objects (treenode). 

You could put a control together on the page, but I was thinking at the very least you could just add the console.log lines on these demos.. 

Also, I did a page recommendation on one of your documentation pages that covered clients side events on RadTextBox (I believe).. An event capturing demo that doesn't link to Telerik's EventArgs is kind of pointless to me.. but it would seem there isn't much documentaion in this area. So console logging the event args is just about the best way to review them.
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1 comment
Posted on: 29 Oct 2014 12:27
Thank you for sharing your nice idea!

The Client-side demos are a resource that we would like to improve and we will have in mind your preposition when we plan the story for one of the next major releases.