A JavaScript error is thrown when a dialog that has animations enabled is closed if unobtrusive validation is used on the page. Workarounds are: - avoid animations - OR, add the following script at the end of the form and remove it when this issue is fixed internally Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow.prototype._hide = function() { if (!this.get_animation() || this.get_animation() == 0) { this._afterHide(); } else { if (this._enableShadow && $telerik.isIE) { this._setShadowCSSClass(false); } var fnc = Function.createDelegate(this, this._afterHide), isMaximized = this.isMaximized(), duration = this.get_animationDuration(); var popupElem = $telerik.$(this._popupElement); if (popupElem.length > 0 && popupElem.stopTransition) { $telerik.$(this._popupElement).stopTransition().transition({ opacity: 0 }, duration, "linear", function () { fnc(isMaximized); }); } else { fnc(isMaximized); } } }