Last Updated: 30 Sep 2014 15:14 by Bill O'Neil
Created on: 19 Aug 2014 06:58
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report
FIX: RadInputManager thrown an error in FireFox when maxLength client property is set.

Bill O'Neil
Posted on: 30 Sep 2014 15:14
for what its worth - I'm in the same position as Shaun.  I had to roll back to a previous (official) build and haven't been able to use anything new as the InputManager bug crippled our entire intranet system.  An official timeline would be nice.
Shaun Peet
Posted on: 30 Sep 2014 14:59
Guys - not to be a pain but this is a major bug that is seemingly going unnoticed by Telerik.  The SP1 came out back on July 24.  Normally you'd have an SP2 go out by now but you're probably busy working on Q3.  Even those are typically released mid-October with an official BETA release by now.

Please please please please please release something that fixes this issue.  We get at least 10 angry support tickets each day from Firefox users and I'm not about to sift through tens of thousands of lines of code to fix YOUR bug.

This has been marked as completed for months yet there's been no official release to support it.  I can't even find it listed as a fix in the internal builds (which I can't use in production anyway).
Posted on: 15 Sep 2014 16:21
Shaun Peet - I agree with you, kind of bug that needs a hot fix not to have to wait for a full release as well as having to go back to code that works
Shaun Peet
Posted on: 10 Sep 2014 13:20
So Telerik's official response for me to try to search though thousands of forms in our web app for instances of the Input / InputManager and set a MaxLength to a suitable value, then deploy that fix across the hundreds of sites which are using our application?

I've been a Telerik customer for nearly 10 years - I've become used to you guys delivering more than expected.  That answer falls somewhat short of your standards for quality.

We are growing tired of asking 10-20 of our customers each day to switch away from FireFox because Telerik introduced a bug in a widely-used control.  Even more so, those customers are getting tired of us trying to shift the blame to the browser because they can't enter an email address into a form anymore.

Perhaps a Q2 2014 SP2 release is warranted to fix this bug?  Or perhaps there's a better solution that Telerik can offer than to have me searching through my entire application trying to fix YOUR bug.
Hubert COLE
Posted on: 09 Sep 2014 14:16
Hi Shaun,

It has not been released yet, it will comes up in Q3 2014 release.
If you want a workaround to simply fix it until the fix comes up, just set MaxLength property of the asp:TextBox control to a suitable value.

Kind regards, 
Shaun Peet
Posted on: 09 Sep 2014 14:07
Can somebody please state which specific version of the controls contains the fix for this issue?  We've got the latest official release installed (2014.2.724.40) and there are still multiple issues with the RadInput and RadInputManager with FireFox.
Bill O'Neil
Posted on: 21 Aug 2014 18:44
In what release?  Will it be a SP or Q3 when it will be a release that uses the CDN?
Bill O'Neil
Posted on: 19 Aug 2014 12:46
In addition - we've experienced it on pages where MaxLength is NOT set.

Basically - RadInputManager breaks any page it is on (for some browsers.)  The only thing that seems to fix it is when a field is "pre filled" by the browser (of the field has an initial text value set in the markup.)
Bill O'Neil
Posted on: 19 Aug 2014 12:45
This issue w/ RadInputManager is more than FireFox - we've also experienced it in Chrome Version 36.0.1985.143 m.