The best approach is to handle the OnClientTileClicking event for the TileList and determine whether it should be cancelled: A possible way to change the behavior is to pass the _cancel field value from the Clicking event of the Tile to the TileClicking event of the TileList with the following override. var $T = Telerik.Web.UI; $T.RadTileList.prototype._onTileClicking = function (tile, args) { var eventArgs = new $T.RadTileListCancelEventArgs(tile, args.get_value()); eventArgs.set_cancel(args.get_cancel()); //the change - pass the _cancel argument to the TileList handler too this.raiseEvent("tileClicking", eventArgs); args.set_cancel(tile._isDragged || eventArgs.get_cancel()); args.set_value(eventArgs.get_value()); tile._isDragged = false; }