RadSpreadSheet control that can open and visualize excel files. It should also support edit and common operations.
Hi there, The long anticipated Spreadsheet solution has been released in Q3 2015 as a Beta. I invite everyone to test it and to share feedback. The live demo is available at http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/spreadsheet/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx Best regards, Rumen DevTools Product Manager at Telerik
Open xlsx/csv files in control and save from control as xlsx/csv. Common spreadsheet functions (SUM, MAX, AVG, etc.) Common formatting ribbon Formatted templates (xltx) Simple graphs and charts that users can create/save Import/Export features
1. Quick data entry and navigation. 2. Cell formating and custom data validation 3. Option between Instant AJAX call to server for each modifications or a full page post. formulas and eevn button on cells to be able to popup a calculator (we need that in certain of our scenarios) 4. Sorting and filter like the real Excel 5. Freezing rows/columns
Hi guys, If you need a SpreadSheet component in your WebForms projects, it will be great if you share your exact scenario(s). Which are the top 3-5 (must have features) that you would like to see in version one?
I think this would be a very useful tool. As an app developer, there are several employees asking if they could post their excel sheets and have them displayed as submitted. Currently the only way I can do this is hard code it.