For the time being the following workaround can be used: ASPX: <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton1" runat="server" Text="Click" NavigateUrl="" Target="_blank" ButtonType="LinkButton"> </telerik:RadButton> <script> Telerik.Web.UI.Button.NavigationFunctionality.prototype._handleNavigateUrl = function () { $ = $telerik.$; var that = this, target = that.options.navigateTarget, url = that.options.navigateUrl; if (target && target == "_blank"); if (target && target == "_parent") window.parent.location.href = url; if (target && target == "_top") window.parent.location.href = url; else if (!target || target == "_self") window.location.href = url; else { var targetFrame = $("iframe[name='" + target + "']").get(0) || $("frame[name='" + target + "']").get(0) || $("#" + target).get(0); if (targetFrame && targetFrame.tagName.toLowerCase().indexOf("frame") > -1) targetFrame.setAttribute("src", url); } } </script>