We have investigated the issue and managed to come up with a workaround for it. The following JavaScript snippet would fix it: <script type="text/javascript"> var $ = $telerik.$, $T = Telerik.Web.UI; $T.RadScheduler.prototype._onTimeSlotTouchEnd= function(e) { $(".rsContent", this._element).off("touchmove"); this._onDocMouseUp(e); // If tapped on timeslot, select it if (this._timeSlotTapped) { this._onCellMouseDown(e); if (this._renderMode == $T.RenderMode.Mobile && this.get_selectedView() == $T.SchedulerViewType.MonthView) { var slot = this._activeModel.getTimeSlotFromDomElement(e.target); return this._switchToSelectedDay(slot.get_startTime()); } } } </script> This fix would be available with the next internal build.
Its been long time since I faced this issue. I did try blocking the redirect problem using javascript, but I don't remember what problem I faced after that. It was with popup or something, I forgot and it wasn't working properly in IPAD. So after I rollback to old one then its working fine. After that I haven't updated.
Would it be possible to add some javascript to the page that removes the event listener that triggers the redirect?
It also occurs for me in lightweight render mode. Besides rolling back to Q3 2013 SP2 is there any hope of getting a fix for this in the near future?