You can hide certain characters using "*" in the DisplayMask. For example: Mask="####" DisplayMask = "**##" If the value is "1234", after blur it will look like "**34" The same approach can be used for all mask parts. The only requirement is DisplayMask to be longer or equal to the Mask. For example: Mask = "<1..999>someLiterals####SomeMoreLiterals<3..123>" DisplayMask = "***someLiterals**#*Some*******s<1..99>*" If in the above example the DisplayMask is shorter or does not contains enough asterisks to match the editable parts, the visible value on blur can be wrong.
Hello Manish,
There is no API that would allow the change of the hiding character.
Nevertheless, the attached script overrides the _UpdateDisplayPartsInRange private function and changes the hiding character from '*' to 'X'.
Telerik.Web.UI.RadMaskedTextBox.prototype._UpdateDisplayPartsInRange = function a() { for (var t = 0, a = 0, h = "", s = "", e = 0; e < this._parts.length; e++) this._parts[e].ch || (h += this._parts[e].GetVisValue()); for (; t < this._displayPartIndex.length;) this._displayPartIndex[t].ch ? (a += (this._displayPartIndex[t].ch.match(new RegExp(/X/g)) || []).length, t += this._displayPartIndex[t].ch.length) : (s = h.charAt(a), this._displayPartIndex[t].SetValue(s, t), a++, t++) }
Peter Milchev
Progress Telerik