Inserting a table is causing the user to switch to HTML mode and insert manually a br element, so that he could start typing in the next line. Possible solution is attaching this Client-side method on the OnClientCommandExecuted event of the RadEditor control: <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" OnClientCommandExecuted="OnClientCommandExecuted"></telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnClientCommandExecuted(editor, args) { var command = args.get_commandName(); if (command = "InsertTable") { var selection = editor.getSelection(); var range = selection.getRange(); if (range.pasteHTML) { range.pasteHTML("<br />"); } else { editor.pasteHtml("<br/>"); } } } </script> The following workaround entirely changes the behavior by modifying the selection and selects the first TD <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" OnClientPasteHtml="OnClientPasteHtml"> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> var identifierID = "RadEditor_AfterTable"; function OnClientPasteHtml(editor, args) { var commandName = args.get_commandName(); if (commandName === "InsertTable" || commandName === "TableWizard" ) { var currValue = args.get_value(); currValue = currValue.replace(/<\/table>/gi, "</table><div id=" + identifierID + ">​</div>"); //currValue = currValue + "<div id=" + identifierID + ">​</div>"; args.set_value(currValue); setTimeout(function () { selectFirstTD(editor) }, 0); } } function selectFirstTD(editor) { var $ = $telerik.$; var contBody = editor.get_contentArea(); var identifier = $(contBody).find("#" + identifierID); var table = identifier.prev(); var elmToSelect = table.find("th")[0] || table.find("td")[0]; if (elmToSelect.childNodes && !$telerik.isIE) { elmToSelect = elmToSelect.childNodes[0].nodeName === "#text" && elmToSelect.childNodes[0]; } var hasNextElement =[0]; while (hasNextElement && $(hasNextElement).is("style")) { hasNextElement = $(hasNextElement).next()[0]; } editor.selectElement(elmToSelect); if (!hasNextElement) { table.after("<br/>"); } identifier.remove(); } </script>