Last Updated: 21 Jan 2015 09:53 by ADMIN
Created on: 03 Apr 2013 08:31
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report
2013 Q1 RadGrid AllowScroll='true' Layout broken
My ASP.NET project updated 2013 Q1.

Not bad. but I found some error.

RadGrid's clientSettings element of AllowScroll = 'true' if the layout is broken.

The reason for the scroll function will render the data area is divided into a new DIV.

HEADER column portion and a data portion, while the size of the column is divided 

into different DIV does not fit.

Attach the file. Look the screenshot.

Attached Files:
1 comment
Posted on: 21 Jan 2015 09:53
Based on the provided information it is hard to determine what is the root cause of this error. Could you share more details on how we can reproduce it (e.g. environment used, version of our controls, which controls is used etc.)
I will encourage you to open a regular support ticket. Providing a small runnable project will help us further elaborate the issue and get back to you with more straight to the point answers.