Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 06:38 by ADMIN
Created on: 03 Apr 2013 05:18
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report
bullet formatting gets disturbed when we copy paste from MS word 2010 in Rad editor
When i copy paste bulleted conted from MS word 2010 in Rad editor, it appends extra style margin in the last line and shifts the content towards the right. I  used StripFormattingOptions= "MSWord" and StripFormattingOptions= "None SuppressCleanMessage" but none of these options are helping.
I also disabled all the filters. Please let me know how i can retain my bulleted formattings while i copy paste from MS word 2010.Attaching the screenshots
1 comment
Posted on: 07 Jun 2016 06:38
Set the StripFormattingOptions property to "MSWord,ConvertWordLists".

The ConvertWordLists setting converts Word ordered/unordered lists to HTML tags.

You can test the behavior here -