Last Updated: 27 Jan 2014 10:47 by Lemcube Srl
Lemcube Srl
Created on: 16 Feb 2013 17:28
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report
asp.NET ajax radcombobox with custom text ignores the zero ('0') carachter at the end of entered text (we see this in Text property on server side, selectedindexchanged even)
radcombobox with 
AutoPostBack = true; 
Filter = RadComboBoxFilter.None; 
MarkFirstMatch = false; 
EnableLoadOnDemand = false; 
AllowCustomText = true;

we type a text like "123" and we hit ENTER all works fine: server side event SelectedIndexChanged is fired and Text property has correct value of "123"

we type  the text "00000" and we hit enter:
- no server side event is fired (we are expecting SelectedIndexChanged to be fired)
- on the client side now the combo shows up "123" (we've entered "00000")

we type the text "4560000" and we hit ENTER:
- a server side event is fired (SelectedIndexChanged) but the Text property has value of "456"

seems that the character '0' is ignored from the final part of the entered text. 

attached is the solution (VS2010) with an example to reproduce the bug. 

we hope to find soon a solution to this (this bug happens with the latest version: UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2012\Bin40).
Attached Files:
Lemcube Srl
Posted on: 19 Feb 2013 11:17
telerik support the issue will be resolved in official RadControls Q1 2013 release scheduled for 20th of February 2013. 
Lemcube Srl
Posted on: 16 Feb 2013 17:32
I forgot to say that the problem comes up only with i.e. (i'm currently using i.e. 9). no issues with chrome.