Last Updated: 20 Jan 2015 15:35 by ADMIN
Created on: 06 Feb 2013 20:25
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
RadGrid clientbound clientdeletecolumn issue
1.  create a rad grid with clientside binding and a clientdeletecolumn.  clientdelete column is buttontype=linkbutton and the linkbutton has a class for a background image
2.  set allowpaging="false" but don't set a page size
3.  populate grid so that it has 10 records
4.  all client delete buttons are visible
5.  add more records so that there are > 10 records
6.  records from 11>n will not show the clientdeletecolumn
7.  now, up the page size to something greater than your record count
8.  problem fixed

on viewing source you can see that the rgNoRecords tr is inserted after record 10 (default page size), which seems to affect the rendering below. the actual links for the client side delete columns are not rendered
1 comment
Posted on: 20 Jan 2015 15:35
Unfortunately the described behavior is rather expected. When the page size of a client-side bound grid is changed, the clientdeletecolumn for the new rows could not be created on the client. Therefore, you should add it manually.