The page numbers and total items within a pager do not appear to respect the currently loaded i18n locale. For example, there's no comma in the thousands place for the en locale. What makes me believe this is a bug is that the page input which can appear DOES have i18n applied to it so the discrepancy is clearly visible between the two.
As there's no demo with such large page numbers I've created an example as well as a screenshot:
B187rdik (forked) - StackBlitz
Hi Hui Chuan,
The special locale-specific formatting applies only to the NumericTextBox ("n0") because it is designed to display integers and includes a built-in formatting option. The other built-in Pager components are not intended to display formatted numbers. This is because such formatting is rarely needed and might be unexpected—for example, users typically expect plain numbers on buttons that indicate page numbers.
That said, this is a valid feature request, and the following request has been opened on your behalf:
Feel free to also check the workaround using the pager template:
I hope the workaround is helpful until such a feature is introduced in our library.
Progress Telerik
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