Last Updated: 25 Sep 2024 09:48 by ADMIN
Created on: 18 Sep 2024 17:54
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
[Grid] Group level checkbox selection

There is already checkbox column and check/select all on header level, but it will be great to see checkbox on group level header too, so we can select/deselect all items in the group.

1 comment
Martin Bechev
Posted on: 25 Sep 2024 09:48

Hi Nirbhay,

Thank you for the provided feedback.

We will track the customer demand for this enhancement and consider implementing it in the future, based on the interest. 

In the meantime, the developer can use the kendoGridGroupHeaderTemplate directive and control the selected items with selectedKeys property of the SelectionDirective. Here is an example:

Here is an example:


In this case, the selection is entirely left in the hands of the developer. The Grid itself emits the corresponding events which help in creating the necessary logic.

Martin Bechev
Progress Telerik

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