Last Updated: 21 Aug 2024 08:25 by ADMIN
Created on: 15 Aug 2024 00:30
Category: Drawer
Type: Feature Request
Programmatically Collapse/Expand Hierarchical Drawer Items

In the Hierarchical drawer, there should be a way to programmatically collapse or expand the drawer items.

Being able to manually trigger the `isItemExpanded` check would be helpful in this. The conditions that make an item expanded could be changed and then the check triggered. For example, if the callback is:

isItemExpanded: DrawerItemExpandedFn = (item): boolean => {
    return this.expandedIndices.indexOf(item.id) >= 0;
The `expandedIndices` could be emptied, `isItemExpanded` triggered, and that would cause the items to collapse. 
1 comment
Martin Bechev
Posted on: 21 Aug 2024 08:25

Hello Alessandro,

Thank you for the provided feedback.

We will track the customer demands for this enhancement and consider adding it to the roadmap based on the interest.

Martin Bechev
Progress Telerik

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