Last Updated: 02 Jul 2024 12:48 by Anthony Gianino
Anthony Gianino
Created on: 02 Jul 2024 12:22
Category: Slider
Type: Feature Request
Provide a dragStart and dragEnd events for the Slider component
It will be nice to have a dragStart and dragEnd (similar to JQuery UI Slider or Angular Material Slider) events for the Slider component which will provide a bit more flexibility upon user mouse/touch interactions. 
1 comment
Anthony Gianino
Posted on: 02 Jul 2024 12:48

The original request from the support ticket mentioned the Jquery UI Slider - not the Angular Material slider, so the body should really state:

"It will be nice to have a dragStart and dragEnd (similar to JQuery UI Slider) events for the Slider component which will provide a bit more flexibility upon user mouse/touch interactions. "