Last Updated: 29 Jun 2023 09:31 by ADMIN
Kendo UI
Created on: 29 Jun 2023 09:29
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
[Grid][DataQuery] Make `toODataRequestString` compatible with ASP.NET Core API when virtual scrolling is enabled
Currently, the `toDataSourceRequestString` method converts the `skip` and `take` properties into a string that is comparable with the DataSourceRequest format in UI for ASP.NET MVC, which includes specific page and pageSize (e.g. page=1$pageSize=50).

But when virtual scrolling is enabled, pagination does not work with actual "pages" in terms of `skip` always being a multiple of `pageSize`. Instead, it relies on the `skip` and `take/pageSize` numbers to determine the next portion of data (it does not match with fixed ranges like 1-100, 101-200, etc., being "page1", "page2"...). This makes it hard to use virtual scrolling in combination with ASP.NET Core API, as there is no helper method that is compatible with the virtual scrolling mechanism.

The developer needs to use regular paging, or pass the `skip` and `take` properties in raw format to the server and create custom logic which to determine the portion of data that needs to be returned to the client.