Last Updated: 22 Feb 2023 08:23 by ADMIN
Created on: 17 Feb 2023 19:26
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request
Kendo Chart No Records Template

We have this feature in Kendo Grid:

<ng-template kendoGridNoRecordsTemplate>
  <fa-icon [icon]="faCloudXmark" class="fa-2x"></fa-icon>
  <p>There is no data to display.</p>
Can we get `kendoChartNoRecordsTemplate` for the chart please?
1 comment
Martin Bechev
Posted on: 22 Feb 2023 08:23

Hi John

Thank you for the logged feature request. 

Having such an option will be a good addition to the widget. We will track the customer demand and add the enhancement to our Roadmap based on the interest.

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