Last Updated: 19 Jul 2022 15:36 by ADMIN
Created on: 06 Jun 2022 23:22
Category: Filter
Type: Feature Request
Add "One Of" | "Not One Of" FilterExressions
It will be great to be able to supply multiple values, similar to https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/dropdowns/multiselect/
Posted on: 19 Jul 2022 15:36

Hi Nirbhay,

Indeed the request is valid and I will set the status as unplanned. We will track this request and consider it in accordance with the customer demand.

In the meantime, the MultiSelect component can be implemented with kendoFilterValueEditorTemplate:


With such an implementation the Filter component will return the value as a collection if more items are selected and the developer can for example check the used filter and implement his own logic for filtering and return the desired data. We do also have a logged request for operators template that will allow the developers to add their own custom operators and apply custom filtering as desired. Feel free to cast your vote on the following feedback portal item:


I hope the alternative approach can be helpful in your situation.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 12 Jul 2022 19:29

Hi Martin,


Here is the idea


Martin Bechev
Posted on: 13 Jun 2022 14:10

Hi Nirbhay,

Please could you provide some more details about the requested feature.

Does the MultiSelect component needs to be used as a filter editor:

Or it is about more filter operator options:

Looking forward to your reply.

Progress Telerik

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