Last Updated: 28 Jul 2021 10:48 by Holger
Created on: 08 Jun 2021 18:27
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request
Kendo TileLayout 2 way binding support


I am using Kendo tile layout and generating the tile layout item dynamically based on the array. Tiles are generated properly, however, when I resize or reorder the tile, it does not update the bound array item using 2 way binding (column object in this case). I have tried [col], [colSpan], [rowSpan] as well as [(col)],[(colSpan)],[(rowSpan)] however none of these works.

I know I can handle (reorder) and (resize) event to manually update the array item, however, is there a way the bound item can be updated using 2 way binding without the need of handling it in events.

Sample code below

                        *ngFor="let column of columnList" title="Tile1" [col]="column.col"
                        [colSpan]="column.colSpan" [rowSpan]="column.rowSpan">
                          // My code here



Posted on: 28 Jul 2021 10:48
This applies to all the components (TileLayout, Grid, ...) that can be customized by the end-user. The customization functionality is pretty worthless if the changes cannot be saved and restored.
Posted on: 27 Jul 2021 16:58
It makes no sense to me at all why two way binding support doesn't exist for these properties. Was the assumption that items would always be static?  This should absolutely be supported. Thanks!
Martin Bechev
Posted on: 09 Jun 2021 11:56

Hi Gaurav,

Currently updating the properties in the mentioned way is not possible, as there are not dedicated change events triggered for each item. But it looks like a nice enhancement to have. That is why I am converting this ticket to a public feature request. Thus the community could vote for it and make it popular (I also added your vote to it):


We monitor the customer demand periodically and will consider providing such an enhancement in the future, based on the interest.

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