Last Updated: 16 Jul 2020 09:56 by Cyril
Kalli Kaldi
Created on: 31 Jan 2020 07:47
Category: AutoComplete
Type: Feature Request
Autocomplete to support complex data

I was a little flabbergasted when I found out that the "AutoComplete" component only handles "Simple Data" - even though there is a parameter called "valueField" and a subtopic under "Data Binding" called "Complex Data". It is impossible to display i.e. the Name of a Person and have the ID of that person as the value of the "AutoComplete" component. Can you please enable this, it is imperative to working with an autocomplete textfield that value and text can be _different_ and that a value other than the selected text can be accessed.

 With a combobox a user will naturally try to open the combobox, not type in it.  This is not a good UI design.

It be great to have a working and visually pleasing autocomplete component. 

Is it possible for you to change the combobox into an autocomplete component? Give it a parameter [autocomplete] and hide the dropdown widget. 

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Posted on: 16 Jul 2020 09:56

Hi there,


We also need to be able to deal with complex data more finely. Our use case is the following one.

We use a kendo-autocomplete component for an app search feature (kind of quickaccess to a specific screen).


Let's say we have a very large nested app menu (handled by kendo-menu), for instance:

  • Users
    • Create
    • Settings
    • [...]
  • Pages
    • Create
    • Settings
    • [...]
  • [...]

To provide a better UX, we display an autocomplete field somewhere else in the screen. Users are able to type any screen / menu label in it. We pass an array of menu items (complex object) to the Kendo UI component. On selection, we compare labels (as it is the value returned by the valueChange event).

In most cases it works well, but we would have an issue if the user wants to access any screens / menus that doesn't have an unique label (can be frequent for a label).

It would be nice to return the object as part of the valueChange event.


Posted on: 05 May 2020 03:34

I agree and this solution provided by Telerik does not follow the UIX of an autocomplete.

"To define selected values as data of the primitive (strings and numbers) or complex (objects) type, use the ComboBox. For more information, refer to its overview article."

Posted on: 06 Feb 2020 15:32

Hi Karl,

Thank you for the logged feature request.

Indeed, as discussed in the referenced forum thread, the AutoComplete operates with simple data only. That is the default behavior of this component and it is implemented by design. However, it would be a valuable addition for the ComboBox component to be able to use it as described - as an AutoComplete. We will track the demand for this feature request and will eventually add it to our future development plans.

Thank you for the feedback once again.

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