Last Updated: 09 Aug 2019 13:57 by ADMIN
Created on: 07 Aug 2019 12:29
Category: Dialog
Type: Feature Request
Allow users to disabled keyboard navigation of the Dialog and Window components.

Kendo Feature Request

Allow users to disabled keyboard navigation in the Dialog component.

We have a use case where there is a sliding panel in which users can open a dialog. Currently when pressing 'Esc' both our sliding panel and the modal close because they both listen to the document.keydown event. We would like to write some custom logic for this, so that we are able to handle the events in a way so it knows what to close. But we are unable to implement this since we have no way to overwrite/disable the logic in the Dialog component.

1 comment
Dimiter Topalov
Posted on: 09 Aug 2019 13:57
Hi Bart,

Thank you for submitting this feature request. I changed the thread type accordingly from "Support" to "Feature request" so that it can become visible in our Feedback portal, and other customers can vote for this enhancement.

We will be tracking the customer demand here, and will prioritize accordingly when updating our roadmap based on the interest.

Dimiter Topalov
Progress Telerik
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