Current behavior
The grid component already has the functionality to resize and reorder columns by the user, but is missing functionality for saving an restoring columns configuration, so that changes done by the user are lost after a page change.
There is the Persist the State article in the "How to section" in the documentation, but the described solution is only applicable when adding grid columns by using *ngFor. When defining columns in the markup, due to extensive usage of templates (kendoGridColumnMenuTemplate, kendoGridFilterMenuTemplate, kendoGridCellTemplate, ..), there is no reasonable solution available.
Expected behavior
Provide methods, similar to the jQuery grid, to save and restore columns configuration. This should at least include the column's order, width and sort.
PS: This is not a duplicate of the feature request Add persistent state for grid (and other components). The latter one has been marked as "Completed" but does not include the needed functionality.