Last Updated: 06 Jun 2023 15:33 by ADMIN
Created on: 15 May 2018 18:57
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request
Kendo Angular PDF Viewer
There appear to be no decent solutions for PDF viewing in Angular in handling viewing of downloaded PDF files that works intelligently and consistently across all desktop and mobile browsers, and supports navigation, saving, and printing.

1. The Angular Kendo Report Viewer is limited to Telerik reports generated using the Telerik Report web infrastructure and doesn't handle PDFs from other sources.

2.  There is an open source Angular viewer, that provides reasonable viewing and navigation, but doesn't support save to file. or print.

3.  Syncfusion have a very nice Angular PDF viewer, but requires buying there whole Angular suite.  
A Kendo Angular PDF Viewer Component
Martin Bechev
Posted on: 06 Jun 2023 15:33

Hello all,

I am happy to share that the PDFViewer component is now part of the Kendo UI for Angular suite. For more details please check its documentation page.

Progress Telerik

As of R2 2023, the default icon type will be SVG instead of Font. See this blogpost for more information.
Posted on: 23 Jan 2023 08:18

Hi Dimiter

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

As software developers using your products, we all understand changing priorities and things not shipping when planned.

However, I think the issue is lack of communication, in that once you realised it was not going to ship the community should have been informed accordingly.

Also, the fact it is still missing the roadmap on your web-site (which you said you will correct), leaves a lack on confidence in the ability to deliver what is a high priority feature for lots of your users.



Dimiter Topalov
Posted on: 23 Jan 2023 08:13


The PDF Viewer is one of our top items planned for the R2 2023 release, and we have already started working on the foundation that will help us build and release the component. We will look into updating the roadmap accordingly.

The PDF Viewer was indeed initially planned for R1 2023, but was delayed in favor of multiple items with higher priority, and the massive refactoring required by the migration to a monorepo, rendering changes and other improvements. As stated in our roadmap disclaimer:

"We operate in a dynamic environment, and things are subject to change. The information provided on these and related pages is intended to outline the general Telerik product direction. It is intended for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon when making any purchasing decision."

We understand that postponing planned items may be disappointing for customers that are expecting to see them in a given timeline, but we are also relying on limited resource and have to plan and prioritize as necessary.

Thank you for the understanding.

Dimiter Topalov
Progress Telerik

Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at

Posted on: 20 Jan 2023 18:55

As far as I know it is "released" in R3 2022. What a second, yeah right, its not. Promises promises... Now we will not even get it 2023. Maybe in 2024 if we are lucky. 

We switched from Syncfusion to Telerik some years ago, hoping for better quality and more features, and it was like that back then. But, Syncfusion is keeping good pace since then. We will rethink about renewing license this year in November. 

Posted on: 20 Jan 2023 14:41
Is this still on the roadmap? Not released in today's new version, and can't see on the 2023 Roadmap
Posted on: 16 Mar 2022 12:38

Hi Jason,

What could be done is to share all requirements or expectations of the PDF Viewer component in this thread. That will be valuable feedback that we will do take into account when work on the PDF Viewer component begins. Once we have a beta version it will be released and be able to be used. We will still collect feedback at this point and the PDF Viewer will be further enhanced by adding new features, enhancements, and bug fixes with future releases. 

Progress Telerik

Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at

Posted on: 09 Mar 2022 15:30

Hi Svet.  Can we be part of your Beta program on this component.  This is an essential feature of our platform and the JQuery version is causing us a few problems.




Posted on: 10 Feb 2022 12:11

Hi Novak,

Thank you for the provided extensive feedback on the Kendo Angular PDF Viewer!

The component is currently planned for the R3 release of 2022.

At this point, I am unable to say what features its initial release will include, but I can assure you that all provided feedback in this feature request will be taken into account.

Progress Telerik

Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at

Posted on: 03 Feb 2022 16:01

Hi Svet,

great news. From my point of view, what should be at least supported is the following:

  • For sure the possibility to view Pdf :)
  • Configurable options:
    • Show/hide tool bar (navigation, number of pages, etc.)
    • Choose page display mode. At least single page and multi page mode should be supported
  • Possibility to programmatically:
    • perform navigation (next page, previous page)
    • get current page
    • perform zoom in/out

Would this be possible in the first release? When can we expect release?


Best regards,


Posted on: 03 Feb 2022 11:55

Hi Mike,

At this point, it isn't clear what features will be included in the initial PDF Viewer release. I am affirmative that we will take into account the desired forms support functionality and consider it when work on the PDF Viewer is about to begin.

Progress Telerik

Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at

Posted on: 27 Jan 2022 17:04
In this PDF Viewer implementation initial release is it planned to be able to handle pdfs with form fields that allow the user to click into the form fields and type, then print/download the pdf? Or will it only render the pdf without the interactive form fields and just display the form field value flattened onto the pdf?
Posted on: 23 Dec 2021 12:20

Hi All,

I am happy to announce that the PDF Viewer component is on our roadmap for 2022. For more information about new components and upcoming fixes please check our roadmap page:

Thank you all for the active feedback.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 23 Dec 2021 04:05

Kendo UI Angular PDF Viewer would definitely be well appreciated especially if its handled (client side).

As @Novak said in the previous post, competitors already have it but some of them require a service side component that I find not ideal.  

Telerik would be a no brainer on that mater with that feature part of the package.

Let's hope it's coming soon.

Thanks for making it happen.

Posted on: 22 Dec 2021 15:54

Come on guys its been quite a while since this feature is pending. The competitors like Syncfusion already have it.

Lets make Telerik stronger!

Posted on: 28 Jul 2021 10:56
kendo angular PDF Viewer is also needed by my company.
Posted on: 12 Aug 2020 19:28
Kendo Angular PDF Viewer would be nice to have component as we are strongly considering it for pdf viewing functionality in our application.
Posted on: 05 Jun 2020 12:39

I am using kendo ui for angular and I have the same issue as well.

Hope kendo makes it available as soon as possible.

Dimiter Topalov
Posted on: 27 Aug 2019 10:14

For the next few official releases we are targeting the TreeList as the most complex major new component, and ongoing improvements on the Editor, Charts, Scheduler and Grid. Some minor components like a ListView might make it to the roadmap too.

I am afraid a PDF Viewer component is still not a part of our immediate and midterm plans, but as mentioned, we are still tracking the ongoing interest for all feature requests in our portal and might change the priorities depending on the interest. There is no specific number of votes that a request needs to accumulate in order to be considered for research and development, but in general the higher the vote rate is, the better the chances the feature request will become a part of the roadmap sooner.

Meanwhile we can suggest using the Kendo UI for jQuery PDF Viewer in the Angular application as described in the following documentation article:

Dimiter Topalov
Progress Telerik
Get quickly onboarded and successful with your Telerik and Kendo UI products with the Virtual Classroom free technical training, available to all active customers. Learn More.
Posted on: 20 Aug 2019 22:08
PDF viewer would be nice.
Posted on: 20 Aug 2019 21:38
Hey do you think there is enough demand based on Votes on this thread to say this acceptable feature for a target release?
Dimiter Topalov
Posted on: 16 Aug 2019 11:01

I would like to provide some details about the Feedback portal thread labels (for example - "Approved"). We understand how this might cause confusion and misunderstanding, but the Approved tag refers to the feature request itself - it means that it is a valid feature request, and the enhancement/feature is something that we are willing to consider implementing in the future based on the customer demand.

It does not mean that we have added the feature to our roadmap and/or started any research and development related to it.

The feature discussed in this thread is still not a part of our immediate plans, but we are tracking the demand for it (as well as for all other feature request), and will prioritize based on the interest and estimated business value when updating our roadmap.

Dimiter Topalov
Progress Telerik
Get quickly onboarded and successful with your Telerik and Kendo UI products with the Virtual Classroom free technical training, available to all active customers. Learn More.
Posted on: 12 Aug 2019 21:48

Is there an ETA on this Approved Feature Request?



Posted on: 22 May 2019 04:41
please implement angular version
Posted on: 21 May 2019 16:14
I'm also looking for a PDF viewer in the Kendo Angular suite. Are there any plans?
Posted on: 29 Apr 2019 16:21
 Hey, I think it will be great if we can have KendoUI Angular PDF viewer to render documents since we already have paid subscription for KendoUI