Last Updated: 22 Jun 2021 14:31 by ADMIN
Created on: 31 Oct 2016 18:01
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request
Hierarchical Charting Angular 2
It would be great to have some support for charting hierarchical data in the Angular 2 Components.  It would be especially nice to see something like the old TreeMap widget brought into the library and extended such that the data visualization could change (specifically a sunburst chart option would be really nice).  Additionally, it would be great if there were native functionality in the component to drill deeper into the hierarchy rather than always having to look at the top level view (i.e. clicking a sub node would "zoom in" to view it as the new root level node).

This example treemap and sunburst (implemented using d3.js) are along the lines of what I'm suggesting.
Martin Bechev
Posted on: 22 Jun 2021 14:31

Hello Andrew,

We are declining this request due to low interest and demand. If it turns to be popular in the future we will reconsider the status.

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Posted on: 31 Oct 2016 18:07
I should note that there is a similar request for multi level pie charts here:

I made a separate suggestion since I am specifically asking for Angular 2 support as well as more generic hierarchical charting.